Thursday, December 27, 2012

DVD arrivals

This just in from today's mail.  ^_^
Bleach movie 3: Fade to Black
Highschool of the Dead
Kimi ni Todoke boxes 1-3

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Dog Days and Sengoku Basara

So, recently, I was hanging around my brother's apartment, and he finally got me to watch Dog Days.  He's been trying to get me into it for a while.  How does he always find such cute shows?!  *o*
Later that day, I broke out Sengoku Basara, as I had been, for almost everyday for the last few weeks, and suddenly the irony occurred to me:
We were both currently obsessing over series about open battlefield warfare.  Though, it may be hard to recognize, what with Dog Days being so amazingly cute and Sengoku Basara being so much Shonen awesomeness.  But we were essentially watching the same genre (in a way).  I still laugh out loud when I think of the comparison.  ^u^

Even more amusing when my brother points out Dog Days's Yukikaze constantly calling for her "Oyakata-sama", much in the same way Sengoku Basara's Yukimura keeps yelling for his "Oyakata-sama".  ^.^

But, it's an irony we've been repeating since we both got into anime.  Way back when his walls were covered with Sailormoon and mine, with Dragon Ball Z.  But I have to wonder if it's more gutsy to be my brother, for being so unapologetically proud about liking cute things, despite looking like a football linebacker, while I'm still a timid fool.  ^^;

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Last Party! ^u^

Yesterday morning, I was like this:
because the Sengoku Basara movie The Last Party came in the mail!  ^v^!!!
I totally was not expecting to get it before November 6th.  (I thought that date would be a triple whammy of Basara, voting, and Halo 4.  But since I'm not really into FPSes, now I only have to worry about voting.)  Yay for pre-orders!  ^-^

So, of course, I watched it multiple times that day, and was pleasantly surprised to find it had its own episodes of Mini Sengoku Basara.  ^u^  The only thing missing from those previous Mini Sengoku Basara was an episode with an adorable chibi-Yukimura.  So happy there's one here!  I keep watching it over and over.  *u*

The entire time, I was watching the movie like:
Especially the part where ****** saves *********---I have a gasp of shock each time.
Or where ****** jumped in and talked ****** out of killing ******---I was so cheering for someone to stop that. 
Well, I guess there isn't too much I can say without giving away spoilers. 
...Except Ieyasu was endearing, Yukimura was awesome in his new coat, and, of course, Masamune was cool as always. 

So go watch the movie, damn it!  It's epic!  ^O^!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

skipping PMX2012 Artist Market

I've been waffling over this, but I think it's time I get decisive about skipping Pacific Media Expo's artist alley, this year.  ;__;  Sad.  Very sad. 

I had all these grand plans.
Small cons like PMX, were supposed to be where I did artist alleys, so I could run around the bigger cons, as a normal attendee.  Usually, smaller cons aren't so busy, so I wouldn't have to work so hard, trying not to think about what I was missing, like I did at AX artist alley. 

I was going to make more heart-shaped, flag pairing pendants, of course.  But I recently got an idea to make them about more than Hetalia fangirling.  Since it was _Pacific_ Media Expo, I thought I could do a bunch of Asian countries not mentioned in Hetalia.  At Anime Expo 2012, people came up, asking for flags to show off their ethnicity, instead of Hetalia fandom.  I could have done Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Taiwan, and a whole slew of other Asian flags that would have been just perfect for an Asian convention like PMX. 

I was also going to take one passing customer's suggestion, and turn some of my bunny tails into Truffula trees.

Then, of course, stock my basic fodder of pom-pom moogles, paopu fruit, and plushie pizza.

And with PMX's requirement for 20% original, non-fanart, I was going to try to sell off my scads of hand-made, wire jewelry.  That stuff gets to be like knitting, once you get into it.  But then, you never know what to do with all those necklaces after you make them. 

But apparently, I didn't want it urgently enough, because instead of working on new stock all this time, I messed around doing---What did I do, anyway?  ~_~;  I really don't know.  My life is a collosal mess.  So, I have to apologize.  To myself and to everyone. 

But let's face it, me getting into Artist Market this year is just not realistic.  It sold out in 4 minutes from the time they opened sign-ups.  And I was out, all that night, celebrating my dad's birthday.  Even if I do apply to the waiting list, I haven't been replenishing my stock.  I thought I could make a decent amount of new stock in the 3 weeks before the con, but now I'm sick.  And I'm notoriously slow at recovery.  Not to mention the other RL stuff I have to take care of at the same time.  I didn't even get around to applying for my seller's permit from the EOB yet.  Not to mention that I'm low on business cards.  Would an order now, even make it in time for PMX?  And what could I submit for PMX's portfolio review?  My DeviantArt is mixed up with so many pieces that I don't sell at artist alley.  So, I should just enjoy PMX as a fan.  ...Then make it my mission, on the last day of the con, to pre-register for next year's Artist Market!

I'm not even trying for Anime Los Angeles's artist alley.  You can't even just buy table space.  Their room is so small, you can only sign-up for a lottery, to get into their artist alley.  Besides, there's too much stuff going on at ALA, to miss it, while sitting at a table.  I want to become a better cosplay videographer, afterall.  And ALA is _the_ cosplay gathering con. 

So, that leaves me with another question:  Should I go for Anime Expo artist alley again?  I had decided by the end of this year's AX, that I would try one year as a regular attendee again, so I wouldn't have to miss all the cosplay gatherings and panels that I likely won't be able to see at any other con.  Even though doing artist alley in 2012, made it the most fun I've had at Anime Expo in years, I have to make sure it was worth missing the rest of the con.  Though, I do think about the people who enjoyed my jewelry and may hope to see it again---especially since I haven't figured out Etsy and online seller's taxes yet.  @_@;  If I can't do artist alley at these small cons like PMX, then maybe I shouldn't blow an opportunity like AX.  Maybe I'll get a partner and have someone man my table, while I'm hosting cosplay gatherings or covering others with video.  That'd be nice.  I love having it all.

But as for PMX.  It's time I resolve myself to defeat for this year and my mission to secure next year.  ...I guess that means I'm working on cosplay to distract myself from the sudden omission of busy time that I expected, making new stock. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

recent arrivals

This post is about a week late, but I got these in the mail, pretty much when I returned home from Yaoi Con. 

So happy!  ^u^  I've been looking forward to watching Sengoku Basara non-stop.  @u@  ...While my other friends are watching The Avengers 5 times a day...  Is it wrong that I choose Sengoku Basara over The Avengers?  o.O?  I think this is what they call a "guilty pleasure".  #^.^#

I must give a word of warning about the series "Modern Magic Made Simple", which is the DVD case in the middle, bottom row.  I checked out the series on Crunchyroll:  Not only was it cute, sweet, with endearing characters, beautiful character design, and touching themes, but the end of each episode had a PUPPET SHOW omake!  @U@!!!!!!  I was sold.  Cute little SD-plushies of the series' main characters---that were also puppets!---explaining bits of exposition that would have slowed down the episodes?!  Wahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!  @U@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ...But then.  Then I ordered the DVDs released by Sentai Filmworks, and it did not have the puppet show omake.  ;_______________;  It wasn't even in the Extras section!  ;0;!!!!  If it was a matter of trying to fit a whole series onto 2 DVDs, I could have done without the previews.  I mean, I had the whole series; I would have gone straight to the next episode anyway.  I would much rather have the puppet show, instead.  So now, I'm so sad about it, in my typical difficulty-coping-with-disappointment fashion, that I just can't bring myself to watch those DVDs for a while.  Even the fact that the rest of the series is cute, AND about magic, AND about technology, AND has time travel elements---still can't make up for the great disappointment in not having those cute puppet shows, that I was soooooo looking forward to owning on DVD.  ;~; 

Still, the rest of this shwag is pretty sweet!

Friday, October 12, 2012

cosplay stage shows

As I was watching the Sengoku Basara stage show online, my brother walked by, shaking his head.  Since he's also otaku, I was surprised that he hadn't heard of these stage shows before.  Even the Bleach stage show, which was quite some time ago.

If I had to explain this trend of stage show adaptations of anime series, I would have to reference Halloween.  In documentaries of Halloween's conversion from 1950's, exclusively-children's holiday to the present-day's inclusion of adults, scholars explained that children from the 1950's who loved Halloween, did not see any reason to give up that love, just because they grew up.

Is it that the children who grew up, watching sentai stage shows at shopping malls, didn't see any reason to give up their affinity for stage shows, just because of age?  These anime-based stage shows are very similar to the sentai stage shows that are typically for children...They're just upped a level.  ^_^  I like to think of them as epic cosplay skits! *u*

Monday, August 27, 2012

Hinata Hyuga as an anti-bullying poster girl

On August 26, 2012, Tokyopop's Facebook page posted a picture of Hinata as a preview for their upcoming post about "anime characters who were able to overcome their tormentors".  The next day, they shared a link to this article:
"Bully Beatdown: 5 Characters Who Overcame Adversity"

Surprisingly, there were a lot of comments on Tokyopop's Facebook page complaining that Hinata was a terrible example of an anime character who overcame her bully.  I dare to disagree.  Even if Hinata seemed like a push-over against the bullying from Neji and her father (though, according to some commentors, this bullying was only in the anime, but not the manga), she's still a good example of standing up to bullies.  I don't see why everyone is disagreeing with Tokyopop's use of her picture in their anti-bullying Facebook post.

 Sure, she got beat up physically by Neji, and Naruto had to physically defeat Neji, but in very significat ways, Neji was also defeated by Hinata.  Despite Neji's bullying, Hinata did not give in to his constant claims that she was a failure.  She rose above the dictation of his emotional tormenting, and she chose her own way of living her life, to try her best and maintain hope in herself, regardless of what he said.  Not only did she not believe in the hopeless destiny he was claiming for her, but she also was able to see through to his own weaknesses and motivations against destiny, which were hidden even from himself.  If not physically, Hinata certainly proved herself to be superior in spirit.  It could be said that she defeated Neji in a much more significant manner than physical battle.  And though this did not completely defeat Neji, it did strike him enough to lose his cool---I think he realized that she truly had defeated him, by superceeding the obstacles that he had succumbed to.

 Naruto was the one who completed Neji's defeat.  But as the Hero of the series, Naruto exemplified the best way to deal with a bully.  Not necessarily by defeating them, but by transforming their bullying spirit into a non-malicious one.  Even after the moment Naruto punched-out Neji, incapacitating him, Neji was still speaking in a manner that suggested that he had not changed his way of thought (the inflexibility of destiny and the destiny of the weak to be defeated by the physically strong).  Neji really changed only after Naruto went on to explain that in the academy, Naruto himself was the biggest failure ever, and yet, he just proved that even a "failure" could change destiny and overcome challenges.  This gave hope to Neji's inner torments, thus negating his hidden needs to torment Hinata.  Time and again, this solution of tending to the hidden pain of bullies, to turn them into people more empathic towards others' pain, and enable them to feel remorse for bullying, has proven to be the real answer.  This solution also saves the tormented from becoming bullies themselves, just to defend themselves from bullies.

 Naruto and Hinata together demonstrated 2 different fronts against bullying, and I don't think that the emotional side of bullying issues should be neglected, in favor of physical battles alone.  Bullying isn't just physical, afterall, and neither are the tools to battle it.  And personally, I think that showing that if even a soft-spoken, (relatively) physically weak person like Hinata can persist against bullies, and hold on to her hope in herself and in life, and even go one further, by continuing to try her best in all she does, then she's an excellent example of hope and true Strength for people tormented by bullies. 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

responses to a "Geekdom dark side" article

Geekdom sees it's own dark side - San Francisco cosplay -[]

If I have any problem with some of the newcomers into geekdom, or a particular fandom, it's my personally having witnessed newcomers being antagonistic towards geekdom.  Whether they be a non-fan, coming to our convention, to riducule us as a sideshow, or by making me feel like a walking sideshow, by riduculing a fan of my type for trying out their fandom's convention.  I have walked by people in an anime convention's exhibit hall, who cry out, "I don't even like anime!", sufficiently shattering the air of acceptance we were prepared to feel at-con, into a mere, false sense of security.  And I've stood shyly in line at other cons, about to pull out my manga for the 2+hour wait, only to be unable to escape the manga-hating conversation of the group next to me, and pressed between intimidation and boredom at a con that was supposed to be fun.

And I have been victim of those acidic comments to cosplay.  I love DeviantArt, but I post my cosplay pictures at, unless I can be absolutely confident about my photos/cosplay, in such an objective coldness, that there sometimes isn't an ounce of fun allowed.  ;_;  Otherwise, I've gotten comments like "You're ugly", rather than, "Try different lighting or this type of make-up".  Nevermind constructive criticism---Where did all the human empathy and fun go?

 This article actually reminds me about a point I was making in my recent blog entry:  It's so jarring to experience geeks being exclusionary and judgemental, when in Real Life (outside the fandom) we are usually the subjects of ridicule and ostrization.  Weren't we supposed to learn empathy from surviving the guanlet of the Mundane world?  When did the fandom world become an opportunity to become the bullies that tortured us in Mundane life?  It's not like that Elitist reversal of power is really retaliating against the people who rightfully deserve the searing end of indignation.

I really liked the last paragraph of this article, which brought attention to the vast, growing library and variety of fandoms available.  To me, this reinforces the idea that there is something for everyone.  Therefore, everyone has a right to be a geek. 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

manga just in

These manga came in the mail just now:
Bleach volumes 44-47
Otomen 13
Thank you, Right Stuf!  ^u^

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Are gamers unusually intimidating for geeks?

As geeks, we've all been here at some point:
The ostracism by Mundanes, hammering you for so long, that in a time of weakness, you doubt what you have chosen to love.  You begin to believe that there is something wrong with you, for liking comics, videogames, figurines, anime, etc.
Then you hear of someone or some group that is into things categorized as "geeky". 
But when you get there, they are just as unaccepting. 
Maybe because they only respect American comics, but think your manga collecting is childish.
Or, First Person Shooters are what's cool, and you like Japanese RPGs. 
Or, the fandom community only likes Sakaguchi, and if anyone finds out you like Nomura, you'll get crucified. 

More often than not, I find this atmosphere among gamers.  As far as geeks go, my friends and I have begun to notice that gamers are often indistinguishable from Mundanes.  There's the same probabiliy that they'll judge your geekiness and bash you for loving what you love (and daring to show it)---basically, for being a geek...of something not as mainstream as music, movies, or fashion.  Aren't gamers geeks too?  ;o;

Or did my friends and I just have the bad luck of continually being exposed to gamers who happened to also be harsh people?  But reading this comment at YouTube kind of verified the harsh culture in gaming:

Is it that the often violent and competitive nature of gaming, simply attracts harsh people? 

After some thought, I have to believe that those are just the jerks, and jerks are in every geeky fandom.  They're usually called Elitists.  The others, aren't really jerks, but enjoy arguing for the sake of arguing.  (I just wish they'd only play debating games with people who actually want to play.)

contrasting ads

Something ironic happening here...

I was watching a news clip, interviewing Danny Choo for Anime Expo, while Dolldelight had a lolita fashion show.  During the plug for AX, they showed this little ad (on the left), featuring a Dolldelight lolita.  Opposite of my screen, was this E! channel ad. 

The E! ad just seems shockingly sexy, after watching the comparatively innocent and cute, lolita fashion show. 

It's so nice to have an alternative culture, like anime and manga.  A different set of values about "what's cool", enables different options to exist, besides just sex appeal.  The Japanese acceptance of cute, deems it as a "child-like" value, rather than just as a "childish" taboo, as it is in the West.  Because cute is allowed to be  enjoyed, even by the supposedly "mature" demographic, Japanese media can offer a welcome relief from "sex as cool" being the only game in town.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

anime decor at the Tanabata festival

Last Sunday was the last day of the Los Angeles Tanabata festival.  The decorations were beautiful, as always---and this year, even more so---but the biggest surprise was seeing tanabata decorations turned into the heads of anime characters.  0.0!  So many spheres were turned into the heads of Pikachu, Goku, Hello Kitty, Doraemon, and other creatures.  ^u^

The wishes tied to trees, also had some otaku-relavant notes.
The wish "to be anime" was a cute surprise.  But the next wish I found made me laugh out loud:

A Quebey from Puella Magi Madoka Magica!  ^O^

Saturday, August 4, 2012

collection rearrangement

Spent most of Friday, rearranging one of my bookcases.  I decided to re-shelve the box of manga and DVDs that I had been considering to sell at swap meet.  Fortunately, I was able to still find room behind the front rows of manga. 
My shelves are organized by genre(s). 
Pictured above, from top to bottom:
Bleach & Claymore
psychics & occult
gender bending
Sanami Matoh, pure drama (no curses, sci-fi, witches, etc.), cute series
sword & sorcery, maho-shonen/-shojo, androids

Today, I decided to dedicate one of my "action genre" shelves, entirely to Bleach and Claymore (on the front row).  No doubt, it will get full again eventually.  But at least for now, there's a nice gap for maybe 7 or 8 more volumes. 

The Code Geass R2 box covers had to get moved to the back row.  Even though they're nice to see, they keep falling off the front row, and this time, one of the collector's booklets fell out, and tore.  ;_; 

Also re-organized a narrow gap between these 2 pale-wood bookcases:
If you look closely, you can see Maxx peeking out behind Kagome.  ^_^

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

KH3D hesitations

Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance releases today in America.  But as awesome as the story, gameplay, and everything else is, I find myself hesitating to buy it.  Very odd.

I asked around the gaming stores, and they had no news of a Nintendo 3DS bundle pack for KH3D.  ;-;  Not that I really wanted to spend that much money for one game, but now knowing that I'd have to buy a less awesome, regular 3DS system---a whole other system!---I just couldn't take the plunge anymore.  x_x; 

My sister asked why I couldn't bring myself to buy a whole other system, when I already did so for Birth by Sleep.  A very good question.  But if I had to explain it...I guess it's because I already did it once for Birth by Sleep.  And I have a much tighter budget these days, than I did back then. 

But the PSP turned out to be one of my most valuable purchases.  I didn't realize how much I'd enjoy portable gaming.  I had always carried manga in my purse before, but the PSP allowed me to game AND it could hold doujinshi scans for me to read, much like a book of manga.  Gaming is nice in a public place, especially when I'm trying to take a breather from the stress of interacting with people.  But for some reason, people see you with a book and think that the quiet is just as boring to you, as it is to them.  Nevermind that you're trying to enjoy your book.  But no one interrupts you when they see you absorbed in a videogame.  ^-^  I used that to fend off the annoying flirty guys at a party once, and annoying chatty people I've had to stand in line with.  By the time I bought my PSP, I could use it for Birth by Sleep, Final Fantasy Dissidia, and Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core; it wasn't just for one game.

But with Nintendo's library---let alone the further limitation of the 3DS---I don't know what else I would buy the 3DS for, except for Dream Drop Distance.  A whole other system, just for one game?  Without any other interesting games for the forseeable future?  I just can't do it.  Not now.

So my sister suggested I wait a year or so, for the system to get cheap.  Maybe if I wait long enough, they'll port the game to a home console... *.*  Ha-ha, right.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

wishes for more Devil May Cry anime

Re-watching the Devil May Cry anime right now. 

When it first came out in 2008, I remembered not expecting the anime series to cover the main story that we all wanted:  Dante and Virgil.  The Devil May Cry videogame series was still going with its original storyline, so there was no way that the anime could cover that same storyline.  If they did, it would either spoil the videogame's story, or they'd run into contradictions.  (Even though the Devil May Cry 3 manga managed to cover the game's storyline, without any conflicts...)  The only logical options for the anime would be to use the DMC novel stories, or, in the same vein, do a bunch of side-stories that have nothing to do with the main story of Dante and Virgil.  So I kept my expectations realistic.  The anime series not only used references from the DMC novels, but they also used the "broke freelancer" genre type of plot (similar to Get Backers, Phantom Quest Corp., Green Drug, etc.), wherein each episode (or set of episodes), could almost be watched as one-shot stories, without the entire series as a whole, acting as an unbroken, overarching plotline.  You could basically, go in, watch any episode, in any order, without really missing anything.  The advantage to the writers, about these one-shot, anthology type of series, is that they focus more on the one-shot characters of each case, rather than on the background conflicts of the main protagonist.  (Also see Mushishi, Nightmare Inspector, Ballad of a Shinigami, Category Freaks, Mermaid Forest, Petshop of Horrors, etc.)  The DMC anime did just that. 

But now there's a reboot of the Devil May Cry videogame.  Sure, the gameplay looks awesome---I practically drool over the gameplay trailers.  But as a fan of the original storyline, I'm already invested in the previous version of Dante.  If the DMC fanbase that shows up at conventions and online is any indication, the DMC fanbase is made mostly of girls.  That equals "fangirls".  And fangirls are obsessed with storyline and characters.  Even if the rebooted DMC takes off, I hope that there's still something for the original version's fangirls. 

In fact, if the DMC videogame series settles into the reboot's storyline, that would create the perfect opportunity for another medium to tell the original storyline!  *o*  I wouldn't have to feel guilty about playing the reboot, if another medium took over telling the original version's story.  Sure, the manga-ka who drew the Devil May Cry 3 manga dropped the project, but Madhouse anime studio has seemed so eager to pick up pre-existing, non-manga, licensed titles, lately:  Devil May Cry, Final Fantasy VII Last Order, Supernatural, Batman: Gotham Knight,...  If a second Devil May Cry anime series was created, covering the storyline that we fangirls all came to love, then I'd buy it in a second.  (And if they re-released the first series with Kari Wahlgren dubbing Lady, like she did in the videogames, then I'd re-buy that too.  ^.~ )  Oh, to dream...*_*

Disney USUK event for 2 weeks

Right now, I'm getting caught-up in a LiveJournal community's summer event:  A Disney themed, USUK fan-work, everyday for 2 weeks. 

The challenge, I'm discovering, is realizing how unfamiliar I am with Disney.  ;_;  So far, each time I've read the day's theme, my mind just goes blank.  ~_~;  "Adventure Is Out There"?  "True Love's Kiss"?  And tomorrow's "I See the Light"?  Thank goodness for search engines and YouTube.  It's so sad that I can't just instantly know what movies these songs are from, as I'm sure everyone else can.  I'm so behind.  x_x; 
But the challenge is exciting.  I feel like, with each day, the difficulty is raising, for each new level of this game.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Final Fantasy Versus XIII cancelled?
And there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth...

Thankfully, the cancellation of Final Fantasy Versus XIII is just a rumor, for now.  Kotaku said they had 2 good sources that say the game is being cancelled.  But Square sounds tentative to call an official game cancellation.

 Maybe the fan support for FFvs13 can turn the tide.  With just the trailers, these past 6 years since FFvs13 was announced, there's been so much fan-art in Artist Alleys, as if FFvs13 was already a released and established FF game.  Even with just the small sample of opinions, through comments on the above video, I was surprised to learn how many people bought a PS3 in anticipation of FFvs13.  I mean, so did I, but I also got it for Kingdom Hearts and Devil May Cry 4.  I guess I wasn't the only one, drooling over the idea of a Final Fantasy action-RPG.  *.*

 But if Square really is cancelling FFvs13, my hope is that they're just doing away with the name.  The fail-safe scenario, in my opinion, would be for the name "Final Fantasy Versus XIII" to be scrapped, and for this game to get its own roman numeral in the Final Fantasy panthenon.  For all I know, FFvs13 could be the FF15 that the development team is being rolled into.  Maybe it's just wishful thinking.

 I just hope Noctis's story and that awesome action-RPG gameplay we saw in all those trailers comes true.
UPDATE 07/26/2012:

So glad to find out that the cancellation of FFvs13 was _just_ a rumor.  So often these things can turn out to be the wiff of something real, but this time, we all got lucky.  ^-^

Though, some part of me wonders if this was part of someone's elaborate scheme to bring Square's attention back to working on FFvs13, instead of their current focus on making more FF13 sequels.  A big publicity stunt to garner public outcry and rekindle demand for FFvs13, to the Square executives...!  *o*  A conspiracy theory!---I need to lay off the Code Geass...  ~.~;

Thursday, July 19, 2012


You know that feeling when people threaten to throw out your collection, when you're not looking, just because it's not important to _them_?

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

07/18/2012 update

Recently uploaded video of Anime Expo 2012's 2nd Hetalia gathering.  Sorry I was late!  ;.;  I dashed from Artist Alley as fast as I could!
Today was all about re-organizing my room.  Which is how I ended up with this awesome column of plushies! 
Instead of doodling one Nekotalia drawing, I doodled a fancomic page. Though it's supposed to be a stand-alone, with the option for later pages, I've already started imagining what happens next.  Americat finds an orange tail, then Iggycat asleep in the rose bushes.  But with the way successive comic pages can loom over me for months (like "Alter Ego"), let's call this a stand-alone page for now.
Now, back to painting decorations and Photoshopping pics for my mom's fundraising party.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Germany/Austria flag pairing pendants

I made my first Germany/Austria pendants last night.  ^_^ (Also Austria/Germany on the reverse.)

Too bad I didn't have any ready for Artist Alley at AX2012.  It seemed like the logical choice too:  the millefiori canes were already made, there were no complex details (like crests or stars) to add on later, not even complex designs in the flags that would mess up while I worked the clay...  But I knew Prussia was more in demand, so I put all my time into Prussia/Hungary and Prussia/Austria pendants.  So I didn't have any time left for other pairings, until now.  Hopefully, I'll have a bunch ready by PMX2012's Artist Market.  *_*

Sunday, July 15, 2012

AX2012 feedback forum

I was just reading's Feedback forum for Anime Expo 2012.  I usually don't read those Feedback threads, but I guess since I missed a lot of the usual Anime Expo experience, while stuck at my Artist Alley table, I wanted to know how the con was for everyone else.

Lindsay Plaza taken over by X Games.  Oh, Lindsay, how I missed you for cosplay gatherings!  ;o;
 Though the majority of criticisms for AX2012 were about the X Games and crowds, I was surprised to hear so many people call the programming "meh".  Over the years, I had begun to feel the same dimming excitement about AX, but I thought that was caused by my jadedness increasing with age.  So I took it upon myself, to proactively make AX fun again.  I took on more copslay, I became a gathering videographer, and now I'm doing Artist Alley.

No matter how lackluster the programming may be some days, you can always rely on the cosplay community.  Especially AX is jam-packed with cosplay gatherings.  A lot of cosplayers use AX to premier their best cosplays.  And because of AX's massive size, the chances of seeing cosplayers from obscure, underrated series, goes up.  This year, I saw several Natsume Yuujinchou cosplayers!  ^u^  The gatherings are a lot more huge and playful, compared to some other cons.  For a few years, the gatherings took up so much of my time, that I barely attended official AX programming.  Even that time leading up to AX, gets revived by cosplay.  Instead of the days before AX seeming so unbearably long, out of anticipation, when there's cosplay to be done, they seem way too short.  Even as just a cosplay photographer, the gaps between good programming are alleviated.  My brother barely goes to any programming, because he has too much fun photographing cosplayers.  In fact, having so much to do at AX, just in terms of cosplay, is the reason why I was reluctant to do Artist Alley again.  Cosplay can really make AX fun, no matter what else in the con changes.

Not that I haven't seen some unsettling changes with AX over the years. 

Figueroa Blvd being closed off by X Games in 2012, and causing attendees to detour into twisting, unknown streets in the middle of the night, reminded me of the Long Beach venue.  That was scarey.  Especially when your cosplay or huge bag of artist alley stuff won't let you run if there's trouble.  It was nice that event staff (for LA Live?) were dotting the streets, so they weren't desolate.  But I did get lost and end up in a much scarier street, with no staff.  Maybe better detour signs are an order?

Last year, my problem with the programming was running to a room, only to be turned away because it was too full.  I thought I got away from that, after leaving Comic Con.  I was afraid it was still going on at AX this year.  Thankfully, I didn't see any comments like that (so far) on the forum.  I just hope that AX solves the cramped space problem better than other cons, for both panel rooms and exhibit hall.

And after AX went "corporate", they suddenly started charging for things that used to come free with general admission.  Like main events, including AMV contest and Masquerade.  So I dropped them.  Besides, I was getting tired of the hairpins under my wig, setting off Nokia Theater's metal detector.  And my brother isn't even allowed to take his tripod in there.  ;_;

I hope that the "red carpet" for Guests of Honor will be on stage from now on.  At 2012's red carpet, obscured by photographers, it was hard for the audience to get excited or be aware that the GoHs where there.  On stage, the GoHs immediately interact with the crowd, instead of just the photographers, and the room doesn't go unusually stale, like it did this year.

Something AX can solve right away, is that unnecessary clearing of the Charity Auction audience before Closing Ceremonies.  It would make more sense if Closing Ceremonies was a packed event, but it never is.  And most of the people in the Charity Auction are just waiting for Closing Ceremonies, with nothing better to do anyway.  But if I knew they were going to kick us out, just to get in line, to end up with the same seats again, I would have gone back to the hotel instead. 

And it was sad to hear on the forum that some staffers are still being too rude about informing cosplayers about peacebonding.  Some of them need to understand that we _just_ set foot on the con, after getting on the cosplay made us unreasonably late, and we haven't been able to go to the peacebonding station yet. 

But thankfully, a lot of the problems with AX are things I've been able to speak about in the past tense.

In other ways, AX has been improving, over the years. 

This year, they just stumbled upon the brilliant idea of having Opening Ceremonies on Day 0.  Everyone keeps saying the general registration line was unusually fast/short this year.  I suspect more people were drawn to pick up badges on Day 0, to attend Opening Ceremonies too, and that may have alleviated the line on Day 1 and on.  Just a theory.  But I did like the idea of having time for more panels on Day 1, instead of Opening Ceremonies (even if I was stuck at Artist Alley instead). 

AX also seems to be dedicating a block of panels to more scholastic lectures about anime and manga.  Very reminiscent of the Comic Arts Conference Sessions, which I miss from Comic Con.  I await the day when Crispin Freeman's anime and mythology lectures return to AX.  *u* 

As many problems as increased attendance causes, I do love AX for its massive number of attendees.  Fandom is just more fun with more people.  Whether its the cosplay gatherings, the panel discussions, or even just everyone laughing at the same parts of a video together---The comradery makes fandom more enjoyable. 

As long as AX doesn't become unnecessarily pricey and cap off the attendee number, I won't have to drop it, like Comic Con.  I'd hate to drop AX.  I've been going since 1996, and I'm too sentimental to give up on my first con.  In fact, even if it got bad, I'd probably still attend (at least 1 day), for the cosplay and exhibit hall.  You can always be sure to see interesting stuff at AX because _everyone_ goes to AX---both cosplayers and industry companies.

Friday, July 13, 2012

(too many) tips for Cosplay Friday

According to Tokyopop's Facebook page, it's "Cosplay Friday".  o.o?  So they asked, "What is one indispensable cosplay tip that you think everyone should know?"  Before I knew it, I was making a list.

Keep a pack of safety pins & masking tape on you.

Take advantage of holiday sales in non-costume shops, like Target/Kmart: 
Halloween sales,
St. Patrick's Day green wigs,
Easter bunny ears...

Keep a toolbox of cosplay repair supplies in your hotel room.
Here is my toolbox:

Sewing needs, yarn darners, pins, safety pins, thread, measuring tape, buttons, thimble. The staples and stapler are when you reeeeally don't have time to sew.

Squares of white felt and black felt.  Scissors, long-nose pliers, exacto knife in a tube.  Pencils, eraser, permanent markers, paintbrush, foam brush.  Razor comb, feathering shears, make-up.
Glue sticks, fabric glue, white glue, glue gun, sticky-backed velcro (in a sandwich bag), snap buttons, a TicTac container filled with hooks eye buttons.
22-guage craft wire, tie wire, sandwich bag filled with mini paddles of yarn.
Fabric freshener (travel size), hairspray, quilt/hair clips, hair pins.
Fabric crayons, wooden block for dapping/cutting, a cloth rag, and a T-square.
(Don't rely on the hand-held sewing machine. It's too tempermental.)

But since I was only supposed to post _one_ indispensable cosplay tip, I wrote, "Believe no prop is out of your skill range". 

Seriously.  If you believe this one thing, about props, wig styling, costume sewing, etc., you'll find a way to make any cosplay you want.  (Or at least make the 1 prop or detail that just *makes* a costume.)  Maybe I should have wrote something encouraging about one's ability to learn any arts or crafts skill.  Or, you can watch this:

Really, that's what it's about.  Taking that step to TRY to learn a technique.  As indimidating as a cosplay looks, there's lots of tutorial videos and books about techniques, that can be re-purposed for cosplay.  Once you build up a library of skills, you can mix and match them in your head for anything you want. 

Of course, it makes for an odd trip to the hardware store, when you ask a clerk where something is, and they ask, "What's it used for?"  ^^;  *Now* I know liquid silicone is used to seal window edges, and can be found in the sealant aisle.  It wouldn't have helped the clerk to know I was going to use it for resin molds.  #^^# 

And you'll spend hours, walking around craft stores, daydreaming multiple ways some supply or tool can be used, in unforseen ways.  Like luau necklaces as rainbow "feathers" on wings.  Or elastic jewelry string for bowstrings.

But like one cosplay panel said, there is no wrong way to create a cosplay.  ^_^

[for the insanely long list of tips, go to the full version of this entry, here:  ]

YouTube post denied

I tried to post video of the Hetalia Truth or Dare game from Anime Expo 2012.  But YouTube keeps giving me error messages.  I've tried a bunch of stuff, but nothing's worked.  My last hope is to chop up the video into more manageable lengths, and upload multi-part coverage of the game.  ~_~;  Which is exactly the time-consuming nonsense I wanted to avoid by uploading it all in one shot.  And it's not like I'm not allowed long videos on YouTube.  They gave me that capability a long time ago. So I don't see why a long video is a problem.  It's only 2.46GB, and their limit is 20GB per video.  And I've seen lots of video, like Comic Con coverage or the Avengers red carpet premier, which were over 2 hours, like mine.  In fact, longer. 

So, maybe length is not the problem.  Maybe there's something wrong with the video file itself, and I may NEVER get it uploaded!  O~O!!!  Bum-bum-BUUUUUUM! 
Naw, that can't be completely true.  The file plays fine on my computer.  I'll just try uploading it in chunks.  ...Which may take some time to get around to.  x_x; 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

things I did today

Uploaded this photo of Anime Expo that I took last week.  It struck me because I wasn't used to being outside, on the street, during the con...Unless I was walking back to my hotel.  But the X Games took over Figueroa Blvd.  So a lot of the cosplay gatherings which usually take place in Lindsay Plaza, got kicked out to Pico Blvd.  Which is where I ran into this glowing scene.

The past few days, I've been tending to a gathering thread I started at for a Natsume Yuujinchou cosplay gathering.  I immeditately stated that I was willing to hand off gathering moderation to someone less shy, but the more it grows, the more attached to it I feel.  It's still, comparatively, such a small thing, but for a series that isn't very widely known, the gathering seems to be growing rapidly.  Even though I actually saw *several* Natsume Takashi cosplayers at AX this year, when I was used to seeing none in person, I wasn't sure the thread would find enough people to make a group, let alone, a gathering.  But several people have jumped on board, and I'm taking even the "maybe" Natsume cosplayers.  ^_^  Now we're planning Nyanko-sensei's drinking party, with real food, and a game of kagehumioni.  So happy!  Now to work on that cosplay!

I also joined My Figure Collection today.  I don't know how it works, but I've been meaning to catalog all my figurines, for a while.  Though, I'm not sure it'll allow my Rement miniatures, which I also need to catalog.  I may end up making my own HTML file, to catalog my entire collection. 

Speaking of cataloging my collection, I need to figure out what manga I swapped with the other vendor at PMX2011's swap meet.  (The photos above are from the LA sakura festival's swap meet, but they're the best swap meet pics I have.)  I'm so obsessive compulsive that I always carry a little booklet, listing my manga inventory, and my swap meet ledgers list each volume I've sold.  But that swap with the other vendor happened so fast, right before the con had to kick us out of the room, that I didn't write down what he took.  Now that I've had so much more fun at Artist Alley, than swap meets, I've begun to consider no more swap meets and settling into keeping what I have...and regretting what I've sold away.  I was so happy, when I went through my swap meet box today and found the volume of Meru Puri that I keep referencing in essays, and thought I had already sold.  (Though I didn't find that Strawberry Panic volume 1 that I thought my brother didn't want.  That was a bummer.)  Even though I may not love the manga in my swap meet boxes, I do reference them in essays.  And now that my lifestyle must be more frugal, going through my personal library for something "new" (at least, unfamiliar) is better than buying new books.  But most of all, I'm sentimental.  Even to series I didn't completely love.  At one convention panel about gender-bending series, they mentioned Memato Kiss, which I had, and how rare it was to find now.  That just awaken's my collector's blood.  Mixed with my sentimentality, now I can't let that book go.  ...Even if I didn't really like the characters... ~_~;  So now I'm haunted by "What did I swap with that guy!?"  And, "I should have swapped for his Variant volume!"  I think he had volume 3.  I have volume 2 at home.  I wasn't totally into the series, but it is another example of the "Universal Mother Goddess" as "persecuted monster" archetype, the cursed/monster arm motif, and female Hero Journey.  When that guy offered to swap and I saw his volume 3, I wanted it.  But I told myself that I was at the swap meet to sell, not to acquire more stuff.  Although, if I don't do anymore swap meets, then I've been laden with several volumes of Shaolin Sisters, which was a sequel to the Juline series that I disliked.  ~_~;  Ug.  I always regret stuff...  I wonder what I swapped....? 

Hetalia personality quiz

I got this, while cuddling my Americat plushie.  #^^#

Hetalia! What Country Are You?
Hetalia! What Country Are You?
Hosted By Anime

The last Hetalia quiz I took, at another website, I got Japan.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Nekotalia dubbed

Today, I realized that I hadn't yet listened to that Nekotalia World Conference episode of Hetalia, in English.  So I immediately grabbed DVD 4 and watched it.  So hilarious!  Americat's "American" meow was so unexpected but fit so humorously well.  And Iggycat's meow was dignified and awesome in English, just as much as "mao".  Also, Germouser's "das meow!" and Japan-neko's "konichi-meow" were just too funny.  I loved the original Japanese version, but I love this too!  I watched the dub of that clip, over and over again, still laughing each time. 

Again proving that switching up languages really revives the enjoyment of something, like the first time all over again.  ^_^  I hope the videogame business catches onto that, especially since they're so obsessed with lengthening "replay value".  Please make the re-release of FFX and the new FFvs13 bilingual!  *u*

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

5 drawings for DeviantArt

Since I forgot to upload my daily Deviation for yesterday, I did 5 today (including today's daily Deviation). 
A little happy with myself because I managed to do 5 drawings, all in 1 day.  And not just some quick, sketchy doodles.  I did pencil drawings, inked those drawings, then I used nothing but illustration markers.  No more washable markers for me anymore (...unless I bleed/blend them with a wet brush).  Gotta start thinking about better brush stroke quality for Artist Alley prints.