Saturday, August 18, 2012

Are gamers unusually intimidating for geeks?

As geeks, we've all been here at some point:
The ostracism by Mundanes, hammering you for so long, that in a time of weakness, you doubt what you have chosen to love.  You begin to believe that there is something wrong with you, for liking comics, videogames, figurines, anime, etc.
Then you hear of someone or some group that is into things categorized as "geeky". 
But when you get there, they are just as unaccepting. 
Maybe because they only respect American comics, but think your manga collecting is childish.
Or, First Person Shooters are what's cool, and you like Japanese RPGs. 
Or, the fandom community only likes Sakaguchi, and if anyone finds out you like Nomura, you'll get crucified. 

More often than not, I find this atmosphere among gamers.  As far as geeks go, my friends and I have begun to notice that gamers are often indistinguishable from Mundanes.  There's the same probabiliy that they'll judge your geekiness and bash you for loving what you love (and daring to show it)---basically, for being a geek...of something not as mainstream as music, movies, or fashion.  Aren't gamers geeks too?  ;o;

Or did my friends and I just have the bad luck of continually being exposed to gamers who happened to also be harsh people?  But reading this comment at YouTube kind of verified the harsh culture in gaming:

Is it that the often violent and competitive nature of gaming, simply attracts harsh people? 

After some thought, I have to believe that those are just the jerks, and jerks are in every geeky fandom.  They're usually called Elitists.  The others, aren't really jerks, but enjoy arguing for the sake of arguing.  (I just wish they'd only play debating games with people who actually want to play.)

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