Friday, July 6, 2012

Anime Expo 2012 Artist Alley

I'm back from my first Artist Alley!  ^_^ 

It's so odd to be admitted early for Artist Alley set-up.  Exhibit Hall is so empty.  O.o!  My table was behind aisle 700. 

Artist Alley turned out to be soooooooo awesome!  *u*  Unlike swap meets, where people come up to you, to haggle and be a little confrontational, people only come up to artist alley tables when they have something nice to say.  ^_^  And I could feel pride in my work.  A much better feeling than trying to sell off old manga, that I turned out disliking---And what's more?  Knowing I was going to lose money on.  But even if no one buys my stuff at Artist Alley, I could feel pride that I had the guts to dare.  And, I chose my best stuff (as much as I could).  Even if my techniques need some work, I could always feel confident about my concepts.  I'm a fan-girl too, and I knew I could fulfill what the fangirls wanted.  Artist Alley was a fun, creative, luv-fest. 

Anime Expo was a great place to get my feet wet selling my own art.  The crowds are so big, that it feels impossible to not meet someone who loves your art, enough to buy it.  Though, with 16 years of enjoying everything Anime Expo has to offer---and still not having the time to do it all---I did feel a little bad just sitting at a table all day instead.  That's why I've chosen to not pre-register for AX2013 Artist Alley.  I can get that experience at any anime con with an Artist Alley.  But Anime Expo's panels and cosplay gatherings are things I can only get at Anime Expo.  ...Of course, if I can find a table helper who can sit at my table all-day for me, then I'll be returning to AX's Artist Alley.  I really hope I can, because I really loved the AX Artist Alley experience.

In fact, Artist Alley may be what made 2012 my most enjoyable Anime Expo in years.  I spent all day, sitting at a table.  I didn't get worn out, running around, in the hot sun, meeting with closed-capacity panels, or missed cosplay gatherings.  Usually, I get so tired, every day of AX, that I wake up late the next day, then I have a whole slew of regrets, about all the stuff I missed because I was too damn lazy to get out of bed.  In fact, in line for Closing Ceremonies this year, I met a guy who was so tired from running around all con, that he was considering dropping a day of attendance from AX, even if he could go all 4 days.  Fatigue does make me grumpy.  What if doing Artist Alley was exactly what made this my best AX is years?  Forcing me to drop multiple cosplay changes per day, rest in an air-conditioned exhibit hall most of the time, and simply resign myself to not over-extending my expectations (and increasing chances of disappointment).  As AX's enjoyment started to decline with the years, I tried more panels, then more cosplay, then videography,...But Artist Alley was the most effective revival.  Maybe AX Artist Alley is something I shouldn't give up. 

And I do want to see again, everyone who supported me this year.  And next time, I'll have all the Hetalia flag-pairings!  Next time, I'll have Spamano and the Nordics!  I'll have more paopu fruit done!  And more bunny tail colors to sell!  I really want to try for an even better next time.  *-*

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