Friday, May 4, 2012

fresh start

It's time for a change.  On 2 things.
First, this is a business card that I'm considering, to replace my old, Vistaprint-template business cards, for Artist Alley.  They say that a business card should picture some of your work, and that Artist Alley patrons love watching vendors draw.  So why not draw on blank business cards?  But, the real change is with the blog listed on the card.  It's not Blogger.  That was on my last business card.  And like that last card, this blog hasn't turned out as interesting as I thought it could. 

Second:  It's time for this blog to go in a different direction.  Compared to my other blog, my Blogger doesn't "reflect my work" as well, and neither is it as "lovable to watch".  My other blog is such a collection of any little geeky thing going on in my life:  fan-art in progress, embedded anime clips, pics of cool stuff I bought, links to things that caught my interest,...  I thought it would be too scattered and personal to be on my business card.  So I listed my Blogger account instead, which would filter out all my stray geekiness and center on my lengthy rants.  Looking back at both blogs, that hasn't proved as interesting as my LiveJournal blog's accumulated bits of spontaneity---Which is also updated more often!  ...Meanwhile, this blog seems pretty much dead.  So maybe my Blogger's tunnel-vision focus wasn't such a great idea.  I think I'll make it more like my LiveJournal account, but with more pictures.  (Thank you, Blogger's limitless storage space!)  At least that way, I won't have to pay for new business cards.

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