Sunday, August 4, 2013

Anime Expo 2013

After a month of putting off writing some big essay about my experiences at Anime Expo 2013, I realized that I've already written a lot about it, with every little social media post.  So, I might as well gather those all up and mix in my photos. 

Kikyo & Kagome; Aqua, Ven, Terra; Hiiragi; Natsume Takashi; Flying Mint Bunnies

My AX2013 cosplay plan come to fruition. ^-^
Accomplishing some new cosplay in time for Anime Expo is great, but cosplaying with my siblings is the best!  ^_^

The official AX cosplay photographers grabbed my sister and I for their backdrop on day1. ^_^

Lugging around all those props and my bag(s), in footwear that my feet dislike, was exhausting!  My apologies to the girls who asked for our photo after we had finally found a place on the floor to sit.  But my sister and I have done seated poses in these cosplays before.  We could have totally done a nice seated photo for you!  ;0;  Please don't give up on seated poses of cosplayers!  ;~;
Did anyone else check out the "photo location" sets from the AX cosplay dept.?  That sakura/shrine set was so popular, that photographers were waiting in lines for each specific portion of that set!  O.o  And you'd think that only the miko or sengoku era cosplayers would want this setting, but EVERYONE did.  I even saw comic book superhero cosplayers posing there.   I guess flora is just too nice of a backdrop. ^.^ 
Sci-fi set is lonely and sad.  ;_;  Please come visit me!
I hope the other sets got more use on other days, because when I took these photos on Saturday/day3, those other sets seemed empty and lonely (by comparison).  ;.; 
Anyway, do you think the sakura/shrine set should be expanded, even if other sets have to be dropped to do it?  Or do you think that waiting in line for 10+ minutes per section of a set is negligible?

My first time watching The Funimation Show.  Nice to see the stuff I missed while I was running around doing other con stuff.  ^_^
This was the first AX in a long time, where I didn't meticulously plan out every half hour of my con days.  And it was really nice!  0.o!!!  Just walking around, cosplaying, hanging out with my sister, not trying to attend every single panel and cosplay gathering I could possibly run to...  I had finally figured it out:  An enjoyable time at con is more about attending whatever catches your interest, whenever you happen to be free; not about jam-packing every waking moment with everything going on at con.  That's impossible.  No one person can attend everything.  It's no wonder so many of my past AXs have been disappointing.  If you try to do everything, and not being able to, disqualifies you from a successful time, then of course, you come out of con all disappointed.  I don't know why I didn't figure that out before. 
And after all the websites and YouTube channels giving such nice quality videos of so many events, I don't stress about being at everything or missing much of anything anymore.  ^_^  Ah~ It's nice to have a relaxing con.  ^__^
Even though I said I would never host another cosplay gathering again, when it came to Natsume Yuujinchou, I just had to make sure that cosplay gathering happened. 
It was awesome!  Thanks, everybody!  ^U^
Nyanko-sensei:  "Where's the sake?!"
 I even bought sake sets and cookies for a nice "Dog Party" picnic setting.  If AX allowed signs, I would have made a nice nobori that said "Dog Party" too. 
So, funny story:
Walking down the con halls in my Hiiragi cosplay, 2 guys passed by me, chatting about a "Bleach version of Mike Wazowski".  Suddenly, I realized they were talking about me! O.o  Apparently, they had no clue what my cosplay was.  Surprising, since there were so many Natsume's Book of Friends fans who came to AX to see Kazuhiko Inoue, and NIS America was promoting the heck out of that series at the con.
 The Figure Photography community at Google+ ( did an interesting "gathering/meet-up" for AX.  Since we couldn't all agree on a feasible time and place to meet, Jon Larsen came up with the brilliant idea of each of us taking figure photos at specific landmarks around the con, instead. 
checkpoint 1:  "Welcome to Anime Expo" in front of Dealer's Hall in South Hall.

checkpoint 2:  The top of the escalators on the 2nd floor of West Hall.

checkpoint 3:  Good Smile Co. booth
 It's not in front of a Good Smile Co. sign or poster, but what better way to show off their booth, than with the new maiko Madoka and yukata Miku Nendoroids they had exclusively brought to AX?

Some people waiting in line for the exclusives, liked my Nendoroid carrying case, so here's some info about it:
Tough Box from Tokyo Japanese Lifestyle store.  $3.49
Easily fits 3 Nendoroids & accessories. 
A snap-hook lets the box hang outside your bag. 
Added some adhesive Velcro to the latch, for extra security. 
Velcro is easy to open, yet ensures latch does not get bumped open in a crowd.
Some white felt added to the unnecessary sticky side of the fuzzy Velcro.  And another piece of felt covers the excess of sharp/hooked Velcro.
3 fully-assembled Nendoroids fit into the Tough box Oval.  There are also the rectangular Tough Mini (6.5"x4"x3" or 16.5cm x 10cm x 7.5cm) and Tough MD (11.5"x3.5"x3.5" or 29.5cm x 3cm x 8.5cm).  $2.99 and $2.29 at Tokyo Japanese Lifestyle stores.  There are other sizes too.  All much cheaper than at The Container Store. 
Smaller bags within bags, force you to account for each of your pieces, after each use.
Resealable mini bags from the craft store.

checkpoint 4: Cosplay Deviants booth.
Yes, C.C. is playing dress-up with Date Masamune's helmet at the Cosplay Deviants booth.  ^.^

I also did some extra landmarks: 

Can Yukimura handle leaving AX?
Hang in there, Yuki!  It's just 1 more year!

Date-sama is not pleased to leave AX.
Masamune:  "Waiting for a whole year?  Cht!"

C.C. has seen the AXs come and go.  She'll be waiting for the next one.

Unboxing figurines and figuring out display cases.  ^.^  Finally getting around to organizing the loot I bought from Anime Expo 2013.

I used to buy a LOT of manga at cons, but now I have a policy vs buying things at con that I can easily buy online.
Couldn't find the Revoltech Yukimura and Masamune, but found some really detailed static figures.  ^.^!  Also wasn't planning to buy this Natsume Takashi figurine, since it didn't look that nice on its box, but now that it's out, I think that box cover was just a bad photo, also washed-out by its background.  Ran across some other Natsume SD figurines too. And a white chibi Date.  I didn't even know they made those!  ^o^  I had always thought the white Revoltechs of Masamune and Yukimura looked interesting, but since I really want their original color schemes for figure photography, I thought I'd never get to buy the white versions.  Just like I thought I'd never need to buy another other SD Date or Yuki, after buying their Nendoroids.  But by pure luck, I ran across that chibi white version of Date.  ^u^  Really sad the store didn't have a white Yuki, but now I have a goal to hunt for.  ^o^  Also threw away $20 on another chibi C.C., even though I already have the Bandai Chibi-Arts C.C. figurine.  Truthfully, I didn't really like the proportions on this KyunKyara C.C., but it was interesting and another figurine I hadn't heard of.  Besides, since it was broken, I not only got a big discount, but I bet I could feel free to modify it without guilt.  Anyway, those expensive Sengoku Basara figurines are getting dust in their details, as we speak, so I better get to finding a big enough display case for them.

And now, to use that great loot I got at AX!  ^o^

For a larger version:
As for how I got C.C.'s Chibi-Arts head onto Madoka's Nendoroid body, that's a post for another time.  ^_~

And thus ends my Anime Expo 2013 adventure.  ^_^  Can't wait for next year! 
In the meantime, here's my coverage of the Kingdom Hearts cosplay gathering:

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