Wednesday, February 13, 2013

don't be snooty to Deviant Art
This lecture "Why vidoes go viral" cited 3 major reasons why something becomes popular. 
1)  Tastemakers
2)  Creative participating communities
3)  Unexpectedness

 I was suddenly reminded of the professionally trained artistic communities' apparent disdain for the fan-art on Deviant Art. 

 In my first talk with one of these people, I couldn't get a word in about how wrong it was to be Elitest about what art was allowed on DeviantArt.  There is so much creativity that springs from fandoms.  And I know a lot of people, including myself, get their feet wet into the whole artistic field, through fan-works.  If it makes Elitests feel better, I can mention that fan-artists usually evolve into making their own original art.  But I shouldn't have to.  I shouldn't have to mention humanity's history of art inspiring life and life inspiring art.  How many scientists were inspired to become scientists because of the sci-fi shows they watched.  For example, the invention of MP3s, inspired by a scene in Star Trek TNG.  I shouldn't have to mention that it's ok to be inspired by something else.  I shouldn't have to mention the validity of how "there are no real original ideas", because it's simply a sign that we all share the same human experiences, emotions, and subconscious.  But apparently, I do have to spell it out.

 In another talk with another person who was disappointed in how fan-art always gets so many views, whereas original art usually gets very few, I have to refer to the phenomenon of communities.  Like the lecture on viral videos mentioned, popularity and traffic occurrs when a participating community gets involved.  Not only are fan communities large and passionate, but they are passionate about participating---They learn to draw or craft or write, sometimes taking initiative they didn't know they had, just to attempt to participate.  Of course, people like this contribute to the views and traffic of any art piece.  I'm sure even communities of studio artists, as oppossed to fans of pre-existing stories, could give a piece on Deviant Art a lot of traffic, if they'd just band together and be active, the way fandom communities typically are.  Fan-art does not intrinsically have an unfair advantage over original art on Deviant Art.  I've uploaded lots of fan-art that didn't get any traffic, and has been "dead"...until it gets picked up by a Tastemakers. 

 And that's why the studio artists shouldn't give up on and abandon Deviant Art, or look down on who is already on Deviant Art.  Because to get their original art the recognition, on par with fan-art, they need to stay and build communities of their own.  Just like the fan communities have taken the time to do and actively keep alive.  ...And by the way:  A 3rd conversation I've had with someone about Deviant Art conveyed the important notion that pageviews do not necessarily equate popularity, and certainly not quality. 

 So, have faith in yourself!  Do your art because you want to!  Not be to popular!  Deviant Art is a great set-up!  ...From someone who used to have to code my own online art portfolio from HTML scratch, it's a big help.  Especially in the auto-generated thumbnails.  *o* 

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