Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Timid Otaku isn't my artist alley blog

Recently, I had to sell at Anime California 2015's artist alley without proper business cards, because my new cards wouldn't be delivered until after the con.  So I had to stamp my artist alley website onto the back of my older business cards, which had obsolete information, including this blog Timid Otaku.

If you have one of these make-shift business cards of mine, please know that this blog is just barely breathing.  It's hardly ever updated, and even when it is, it usually has nothing to do with artist alley, what I'm selling, my fan-crafts, or ideas for future products and conventions.  For that actual information, please visit my real artist alley blog at mysticdragon3.tumblr.com

This blog Timid Otaku is just about my random fandom rants.  Especially the ones a little too long-winded for Tumblr.  Or about sensitive topics, that Tumblr would make too public.  I want to express myself for cathartic reasons, but Blogger/Blogspot is a little safer because it gets less traffic.  And I don't really want to use Tumblr to so publicly post sensitive topics, because that's just bait for trolls or aggressively argumentative people, which I may not be in the mood to handle.  In fact, my posts on this blog are sometimes so stream-of-consciousness styled that I don't think I really expressed what I was really thinking/feeling in some of my more convoluted posts.  In fact, pretty much all my posts _are_ my process, a progression of my thoughts, which I often don't settle on until the conclusion of the post.  It can be a little confusing, and sometimes I feel like people post comments reacting to the feelings I had at the _beginning_ of a post, rather than the conclusions I come to at the end of that process.  @_@;

So please visit my real artist alley blog instead.  mysticdragon3.tumblr.com