Thursday, November 8, 2012

Dog Days and Sengoku Basara

So, recently, I was hanging around my brother's apartment, and he finally got me to watch Dog Days.  He's been trying to get me into it for a while.  How does he always find such cute shows?!  *o*
Later that day, I broke out Sengoku Basara, as I had been, for almost everyday for the last few weeks, and suddenly the irony occurred to me:
We were both currently obsessing over series about open battlefield warfare.  Though, it may be hard to recognize, what with Dog Days being so amazingly cute and Sengoku Basara being so much Shonen awesomeness.  But we were essentially watching the same genre (in a way).  I still laugh out loud when I think of the comparison.  ^u^

Even more amusing when my brother points out Dog Days's Yukikaze constantly calling for her "Oyakata-sama", much in the same way Sengoku Basara's Yukimura keeps yelling for his "Oyakata-sama".  ^.^

But, it's an irony we've been repeating since we both got into anime.  Way back when his walls were covered with Sailormoon and mine, with Dragon Ball Z.  But I have to wonder if it's more gutsy to be my brother, for being so unapologetically proud about liking cute things, despite looking like a football linebacker, while I'm still a timid fool.  ^^;